Friday, September 12, 2008


I was so sad to leave my garden in Utah...raspberries, strawberries, rhubarb, apple trees, a pear tree, and a cherry tree, plus the 2 garden boxes for veggies. I love my landscaping here, it is gorgeous (my sister in law Heather said it looks like better homes and gardens). I really would love to put in some garden spots next spring, it's just finding the right place, we don't want to mess up the beautifulness. A few days after I moved in I noticed a patch...a strawberry my yard! I was so excited that something would grow that we could eat (the kids love the idea of growing food). I never thought these strawberries would be as good as mine in Utah. They are much smaller and don't get quite as red. But wow, was I wrong. They are so delicious! Paul agrees...every time we go pick them, he comes along and eats as we go. He can't help himself, he's always saying "mmmmmmm" while he chews, usually stem and all. Here's a picture of our harvest last night, I cleaned them and put them on vanilla ice cream, it was a treat!

since I was posting a picture of food, I thought I'd add this one. Anna loves to make something with her food. Here's her "healthy" afternoon snack. A cheese-it tree held up by a chewy trunk, on a bed of pringles.

1 comment:

Wendy A. Jones said...

I've been meaning to put a garden in ever since we moved here. Um, yes, that was five years ago and I still haven't done it. Next year! Yes! For sure!

Love Anna's food picture--what a creative girl!